Grand Lodge Resolutions

The pdf attachments below lists the Grand Lodge Resolutions for the State of Nevada.

2023  Resolutions

The 2023 Resolutions Voting Results: 

● Resolution 1- 2023: On the subject of saluting the American Flag by Veterans of the Armed Forces was deemed to be not in proper form.

● Resolution 2- 2023: On the subject of recognizing Shriners International passed.

● Resolution 3-2023: On the subject of recognizing the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis received the number of majority voters to be carried over.

● Resolution 4-2023: On the subject of recognizing National Sojourners Inc. was deemed not to be in proper form.

● Carryover Resolution 1-2022: On the subject of removing the monetary limits for the expenses of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Secretary to make them budgetary items was passed.

2022 Resolutions

The 2022 Resolution Voting Results:

2022 - 1: The first Resolution is to be a Carry-over to next year. 

2021 - 1: The second Resolution (a Carry-over from the previous year) failed.

2021 Resolutions

The Resolution submitted for 2021 was voted on at the Annual Communication and is a Carry-over to 2022.

2019 Resolutions

The 2019 Resolutions consisted of the two 2018 Resolutions that were carried over.

2019 Resolution Voting Results:

    Carry-over 2-2018: 

    Carry-over 3-2018:

2018 Resolutions

2018 Resolution Voting Results:

    Resolution 1: Was not presented on the floor as the sponsor for the resolution was not present to present it.

    Resolution 2: Did not have enough votes to pass at 90% but had enough to lay-over for a vote in the following year. (Now requiring a 2/3's vote to pass)

    Resolution 3: Did not have enough votes to pass at 90% but had enough to lay-over for a vote in the following year. (Now requiring a 2/3's vote to pass)