
Are you interested in learning more

about the York Rite?

And, how you can become a part of the York Rite and bear the coveted title of Sir Knight - a true Knight Templar?

The "Blue Lodge" is only the beginning of the York Rite experience. No Master Mason's education is complete without going through all of the York Rite degrees and orders.

To find out what is missing in the first three degrees, every Master Mason should pursue the remainder of the York Rite degrees and orders to complete their education in masonry. The Blue Lodge confers only 3 degrees. There are nine more degrees and orders in the York Rite. Come experience the rest of the story. Don't let the song of Masonry only be half sung. Hear the rest of the story in the remaining York Rite degrees and orders.

Remember: a Blue Lodge Mason is a "Substitute" Master Mason. To be a "real" Master Mason, one must obtain "the Master's Word" and complete his education in the remainder of York Rite.

Do you want remain being a "Substitute Master Mason" or do you want to be a real "Master Mason"?

If you are interested in finding out what was missed in your Blue Lodge experience, contact Carson Lodge No. 1 at the e-mail address below and fill in an application for York Rite today.

Experience Nevada York Rite and learn the rest of the story and "the Master's Word" to be a real Master Mason.

(Please include "York Rite" in the subject line)


Call Carson Lodge No. 1 (775-882-3931)


contact the York Rite Secretary\Recorder

per the "Contacts" page

and arrange for a

meeting to discuss your future

in the York Rite of Freemasonry.

Carson York Rite

Royal Arch Secretary,

Cryptic Masons Recorder,

& Knights Templar Recorder

Billy J. Barbie - Home- 775-882-8109, Cell- 775-741-8055

Email- -

Knights Templar Recorder Assistant

James D. Phelps - Cell- 775-721-8168


Carson York Rite Mailing address

Carson York Rite

c\o Billy J. Barbie

Carson Lodge No. 1

P.O. Box 1043

Carson City, NV 89702